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Conversational Spanish 9 weeks - Tuesdays 7-9pm Total cost €90. Course Description: This course is for participants with spoken Spanish wishing to improve their skill. (Not suitable for beginners) Each week a different topic will be chosen for conversation, focusing on specific vocab or grammar each week. This course is an ideal follow-on course if you have completed the Spanish Improvers class with us previously. This nine-week course will start Tuesday 26th September 7-9pm in Kilkenny City Vocational School. No class will take place Tuesday 31/10/23, final class will be Tuesday 28th November. Please note • Fees must be paid in full before classes commence. These fees go directly to financing the courses. • Courses must have a minimum of 13 participants to run, otherwise the course will be cancelled. • KCETB reserves the right to cancel a course and refund fees if deemed necessary. • Fees will only be refunded if a course does not run. • No refund can be given other than the cancellation of a course, if a participant has commenced the self-financing course they are not entitled to a refund as their place would have determined the course commencement.
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